Thursday, July 20, 2017

How to survive summer ?


According to all the instagram pictures of toes stretched out on deck chairs, many people just enjoy the summer. They bask in the bright sun, revel in the heat,play waterball ( water volleyball). But on the other hand when we think of summer we imagine months of blissful, just-right warmth and sunshine. But when summer arrives we set about picking holes in it: it’s either too hot or not hot enough. Or hot on weekdays but then wet at angry insects and a whole lot of smelly people in public transport/

Personally, I'm in love with summer 🌞, long summer nights, days spent on the pool, countryside..I don't event have to mention seaside 🌊.But brutal summer temps are unavoidable for most of us at some point in the year. So i have some advice for you how to survive *(literally survive)  temperatures that drop 30 plus degrees/  

Who says you cant be every day at the seaside? If you cant go to the seaside or even pool, make your own waterheaven. This is my favorite one trick. Fill your tub with water at just the right temperature, whether you like it piping hot or just this side of warm, add bath salts, essential oils and other ingredients to the water.Next step is very important for summer time.Exfoliate your skin.  It will feel soft, smooth and healthy when you get out of the tub and prepared for the sunbathing

as cool as cucumber
 For extra cooling effect, keep one cucumber refrigerated for 2 hours and then cut it in tiny pieces.Also, placing cucumber slices over your eyes helps to relieve any puffiness around your eyes.

Instead of classic Nescafe I use cold one, what
taste better than coffee , ice and cold milk . Also, I have bunch of coffee jars, it is a special comfort me to drink from it. 
ice tea 🍉

Most of the day I drink homemade ice tea.
First, you can brew hot tea per normal and chill it in the refrigerator, or just cool it fast by pouring it into a glass over ice. I make it a bit different. In glass of cold water i put
berry fruits and cucumbers again. ( not previous, bathing one 🤣 )
Also, i add some lemon juice. All natural baby, without extra sugar .

There's no doubt that eating fruit is important to our overall health and well-being. Fruit is healthy for you, we all know that, but, it's good to know that eating it should follow some general guidelines to fully benefit our health

Instead of unhealthy snacks during movie marathons eat some fruits or vegetables, less sugar, less kcals and more important less sweating.

Last one, but not the least.  Getting a good night's sleep is also important if you want to look your best, as people are naturally more attractive when they are well-rested. I have my ,,beauty sleep,, almost every day. It is 10 minutes a day i spent literally with myself. Taking a nap, meditating, listening a music, trying to relax and prepare for the rest of a day.

That would be all for this post les chicas :) I really enjoyed writing my advice for surviving summer and I hope it will be useful for you.  If you have some more suggestions please do not hesitate to share it with me :)
stay wild and free and have the best summer ever,
besos 💋

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